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Discovered and developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in Germany in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s, homeopathy is a system of medicine in which remedies are prescribed based on the Law of Similars.

Hahnemann explained the Law of Similars using the Latin phrase Similia Similibus Curenteur which translates: “Let likes cure likes.” That refers to Hahnemann’s discovery that a substance, which in large doses may cause certain symptoms, in extremely small, infinitesimal doses will stimulate the body to rid itself of an illness which displays similar symptoms. Using that principle, homeopathic prescriptions are selected based on the patient’s symptoms. In this way a specific remedy choice is made for the individual, who is allowed to recover free of side-effects from harsh drugs.

Homeopathy became very popular in the early nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It was far gentler, safer and more effective than medical practices of the time. In the early 1900’s antibiotics were coming into use and there was a movement by the American Medical Association to suppress homeopathy. That movement was temporarily successful and for most of the twentieth century homeopathy was sidelined, practiced by few.

Recently, as people have been living healthier lifestyles and becoming more involved in their health care, homeopathy has enjoyed a resurgence. With it we get gentle complete cures for all sorts of acute and chronic diseases. Homeopathic medicines also speed the healing process after injuries and surgery.

Veterinary Homeopathy

While veterinary medicine differs in some ways from human medicine, for the most part systems and practices are similar. That’s true for all modalities including homeopathy, which is just as safe, gentle and effective in veterinary medicine as it is for humans. Ailing pets and livestock respond well to homeopathic medicine. Chronic illnesses may be frustrating to treat with conventional medicines. Homeopathy offers another option for people who feel they have “tried everything” but have not achieved a cure or even a satisfactory improvement.

For non-human patients the process of choosing a homeopathic remedy is the same as for humans. Getting information about the symptoms, however, is different. As the patient’s caregiver, you are vitally important in the case-taking done by a veterinary homeopath. Knowing the patient best, the caregiver can provide needed information to the prescriber, so that the curative remedy may be selected. When Dr. Doyle is getting information from you about your pet, she will ask questions that perhaps you are not accustomed to from conventional veterinarians. In addition to the usual questions about history, bodily functions and outward signs of disease, she will ask about the pet’s personality, likes and dislikes, how the pet interacts socially with humans and other non-humans, peculiar behavior, etc.

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cat patient